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Planning for Financial Freedom with a Family

The key to retirement goals within a family unit, aside from being on the same page financially in terms of budgeting and savings, is consolidating your investment plan into one roadmap to retirement. I can reverse engineer a plan from the age you want to retire and how much you need in retirement (based in today’s dollars) to educate you on how much you need to be contributing monthly right now in order to have the confidence you can achieve your long term financial goals.

Protect your loved ones! Life insurance is there to replace the income of a household wage earner who dies unexpectedly and should be carried by every individual on whom others (spouse, children, dependent parents, disabled children and other dependents) rely for support. A failure to have it when needed can lead to financial catastrophe for the survivors, and in most cases the cost of life insurance is much more affordable than people think. If you have an estate larger than the Federal (or State) estate tax exemption, you will need to have life insurance if you intend to provide your successors with liquidity to pay the tax burden.

The real key is to evaluate your spending habits with you and your significant other, automate your savings and investment contributions, make a budget and stay committed to your long-term retirement goals.

I am happy to set up a complimentary meeting and have an open discussion with you and your family to build a financial plan that can incorporate your retirement goals, a life insurance plan that properly protects your family as well as any college savings aspirations you may have for your children.

  • Organize your long-term Saving and Investing goals with your significant other

  • Have an emergency fund in case your family incurs unexpected financial burdens.

  • Protect yourself, your family and/or business with life insurance as early as possible

  • Most importantly – Be Patient – and enjoy every moment of free time with your loved ones

CONTACT ARI  |  Direct Tel: 313.549.5000 

154 S. Old Woodward Ave. STE 205

Birmingham, MI 48009 

General Office Line: 248.297.6603

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